【簡兆芝室內設計 簡兆芝】柔弧漫施淡彩 熙光蘊蓄生機
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設計概念 Design Concept
簡兆芝室內設計 簡兆芝 主持設計師 由「女性懷孕的身體姿態」汲取靈感,結合自然界孕育生命的蛋之意象,令飽滿曲弧包覆天壁及立面,如同張開雙臂迎接每位訪者,又似母親懷抱新生兒的溫柔,伴隨無甲醛的F0板材,質感柔和的木質、壁布,打造居家般舒適的醫療場所,撫慰就診者內心的焦慮,傳遞沉穩可靠的品牌精神。
With the evocation of a bird hatching from the egg, numerous parents-to-be take advantage of medical professionals' support and fertility technology, lightheartedly nesting precious offspring. In the fertility center, everyone is dedicated to caring for embryos and inviting new lives with all hearts.
Innovatively inspired by a pregnant mother figure, INK DESIGN SPACE's presiding designer Kathy Chien integrated the appearance of an egg that implies a birth in nature. Bulbous rounded ceilings and surfaces greet visitors with a warm embrace. Additionally, zero-formaldehyde F0-certified wood panels and soft-textured wall fabrics perform a homey space as gentle cuddling that comforts the client's anxiety. Therefore, these delicate approaches deliver a stable brand spirit.
設計手法 Design Techniques
溫馨時尚 傳遞品牌信念
Warm And Trendy Style Establishes The Brand Identity
The project accentuates ''a trustworthy medical institution'' mission. In the neutral pallets, elegant wood flooring and curved elements positively present a balmy vibe. Sophisticated materials like titanium-plated iron, leather, and lighting fixtures feature layering approaches. In addition, as the logo color, curved pinkish purple furnishings echo the primary concept and set a distinctive brand vision identity for the entire medical group.
巧劃動線 控管隱私風險
Ingenious Smooth Flows & Exclusive Privacy Control
We strategically create exclusive traffic flows for medical professionals and clients separately. Each consultation office incorporates an exam room that facilitates the clients. Besides, we allocated the staff changing room on the way to the operating room. The considerate layout prevents sterile surgical gowns from being exposed to public areas and eliminates infection risks. On the other hand, the clients have to go through an air shower chamber and enter the operating room by the secondary door. As a result, the medical professionals and the clients can only meet at the specific spot with privacy.
多樣工法 細緻關懷生命
Various Solutions Preserve New Lives
To create a clean and safe environment for vulnerable embryos, we adopted zero-formaldehyde building materials and exploited specialized wood treatment to prevent pest infestation. Besides, the project finishes with sterilizing sustainable surfaces that cope with the infection control process. An easy-maintained and healthy interior design offers full support to all medical staff.
Entrance & Reception Area
On the 5th floor, significantly staged with a bulbous convex-shaped ceiling design with layered linear lighting, the entrance warmly presents an elegant and expansive appearance. On the 6th floor, a rounded control counter allows the chief nursing officer to coordinate staff and enhance a high-quality service.
Waiting Area
The creamy and purple sofas in the spacious waiting room incorporated backrest pillows to offer more sitting comforts. Besides, a side table between every two seats facilitates the clients filling in information forms or setting personal belongings.
Consultation Office
As abundant sunlight glimmers into the interior, the balmy timber finish creates a cozy atmosphere for clients consulting doctors.
Rest Area
The soft curved cove lighting complemented low saturation palettes relieves the anxiety of the clients' families as surgery processing.