【澄境設計 鄭抿丹】慢悠純淨童話 樂享和煦春光
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設計概念Design Concept
留白、減少收納區位,創造合宜的居住空間,在整合業主對於將來空間的夢想藍圖後,澄境設計 鄭抿丹 設計總監 除去量體內使空間狹隘且採光不佳的一面隔牆,並劃設使視覺效果挑高寬敞的夾層,於一室純白中創造專屬個人的樂園。
Comply with the property owner's blueprint of the dream home toward the future, CHENG CHING INTERIOR DESIGN design director Cheng Min Dan tears down a partition wall that makes the space narrow and poor daylight, further to plan the mezzanine that gives out the high and spacious visual effect, hence creates an exclusive paradise of pure white.
設計手法Design Techniques
收納簡化 量體化大
Minimize the stow arrangement, optimize the spatial layout
Due to the homeowner proposes of less storage demands, thus the design team plans the minimum stow layout to bring about the roomy perception; secondly, the furnishing of gray tone that works in concert with the ceiling, floor, and walls, as well to bring about the genial and bright atmosphere.
風格召喚 自然無印
Excellently achieve the nature style of “MUJI”
In response to the MUJI style, which advocates "less is more", the design team adopts the notion of "innate texture" to plan the refined and pure scheme. By way of the selected simple house furnishing, which presents the elegant and plain feature, eventually set up the harmonious spatial tone and the serene circumstance.
空間預留 劃設彈性
Pre-set the space for the convertible application
The design team tears down the former wall under the mezzanine, and then changes the three rooms pattern into the transparent and spacious configuration. The layout provides multiple functions for the property owner who lives alone. In case there's the special demand in the future, merely by way of fitting the matte glass on the guardrails of the mezzanine, it will be a detached space with sufficient light.

玄關The hallway
The wooden cabinet creates a touch of privacy, which makes the public area and the bedroom slightly separated from the hallway. The bathroom door is also implicitly placed on the left side. The floor of the mud area is constructed of cement, which is commonly used outdoors, further, decorates with a potted plant, which becomes an eye-catching view of the space.

餐廚區The kitchen and dining area
The kitchen and dining area is small-scale yet exquisite. The custom dining table and the fixed cabinets are meticulously set up by the design team, consequently brings about the glamorous feature of the space.

客廳The sitting area
The original public area pattern is narrow and dark, however, after demolished the compartment and reduce the storage space, the design team creates a well-lighted and open domain. Moreover, plan the neutral layout of the gray and brown tone that brings out the exclusive steady feature of the space.

夾層及樓梯間The mezzanine and the stairwell
Get rid of the habitual factors of the full-decor of the mezzanine, the design team plans the functions of laid-back and freely-usage, which not only makes the roomy perception, but also subtract the pressure of the small plot.

The stairwell is properly planned as the bookcase and display shelf, and the highest position sets up to hide the door pieces, so as to show the excellent spatial utilization.

主臥The master bedroom
The master bedroom meets all the demands of the homeowner. The design team adopts the scheme of natural burly wood, and then well display the Moai statue of the homeowner's collection; by way of the concise and rustic texture to shape the comfy private paradise.

衛浴The master bathroom
The floor of the master bedroom makes use of the tiles of imitated wooden texture
that brings about the balmy visual effect of the first sight. In view the homeowner is
fond of the feature of timber, hence, the design team hopes to put the warm touch
into the damp and cool space.
案名:Slow Soul